Management English
2020. január 19. | Tanulás | Szerző: VIKI
Bevallom, én is azok közé tartozom, akinek égnek áll a haja, amikor olyanokat hall, hogy „call-ban vagyok a home office-ban mert lesz egy meeting”.
Mai blogposztunkban összegyűjtöttem néhány eléggé irritáló kifejezést, hogy még véletlenül se jusson eszedbe ilyen szavakkal dobálózni, ha business English-t tanulsz. Ja, bocsánat, akarom mondani üzleti angolt.
- Let’s touch base about that after the holidays= Let’s have a chat about that
- We should come up with a win-win situation at the next meeting. = We sould find a solution where everyone is happy
- There is no „I” in the team= Everyone’s part of the team, noone can dominate
- I have the matter in my radar = I haven’t forgotten about this
- We should pre-prepare and plan ahead before our next meeting with this client. = We should prepare and plan things….
- In our department, there is simply not enough bandwidth to handle this. = We are not able to handle this. It’s too much work and we are already overloaded.
- If you want to be successful, you have to think outside the box. = … you have to find unique ideas
- Have you got the ballpark figure of sales for next month? = Have you got the approximate figure of sales for next month? / What is the sales forecast for next month?
- We should really try harder and push the envelope for the next five years, if not we will go bankrupt.= We should develop new ideas and products.
- Now, we have reached all the low-hanging fruits and we should take things to the next level. = We have accomplished the easy part, now we should aim for higher goals.
Remélem, tetszett ez az elcsépelt irodai szakzsargon. Ha nem használod, hanem helyette egyénibb és kifejezőbb szókapcsolatokat használsz, akkor a szórakozáson túl még az angoltudásod is fejlődik.